Save Time this Summer with Laser Hair Removal

Schedule laser hair removal in time for summer. This is the right time to stop worrying about shaving and start focusing on enjoying life, free from unruly or embarrassing hair. We understand that it can be incredibly difficult to have hair in unwanted places.

This can lead to embarrassing moments, especially during the summer when people are likely to spend time on the beach or in revealing clothing. By removing that hair once and for all, these embarrassing moments can become a thing of the past.

Laser hair removal works on multiple areas of the body

One thing we hear a lot from patients is that they were unaware they could use lasers to remove unwanted hair from multiple areas. Sometimes, there is a misconception that this only works for removing facial hair. This is certainly not the case. We can use lasers to remove hair from the following areas:

  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Face
  • Back
  • Groin and bikini area
  • Underarms

Essentially, we can use lasers to remove hair from anywhere that there is unwanted hair.

The treatment will differ based on the thickness and color of the hair

Not all hair is created equal. Some hair is more difficult to remove using lasers than others. While still possible, it can take more time and more treatments. Incredibly dark and thick hair can sometimes take longer to remove using lasers.

Therefore, it may be easier to remove hair from the arms than it is the bikini area, for example. We will discuss what the treatment will look like after we have spoken with the patient and examined them. This is an efficient way for us to provide detailed information on what to expect.

The procedure

Removing hair using lasers is something that we do in our office on a regular basis. The process is relatively simple using the latest technology. Some people say that they feel as though their skin is being slightly pinched but overall, it is a comfortable procedure. Also, removing hair does not take very long, making it relatively convenient for those who have a busy schedule.

This is an affordable way to improve a person's appearance

The procedure itself is relatively affordable.  In the light of how much time it saves, the investment is entirely worth it.  Plus, you will not need so many razors, shaving cream or other tools.

The outcome

Our goal is to help our patients by removing unwanted hair. This takes time. To reach the ultimate outcome in which hair no longer grows, it can take multiple treatments and sometimes a follow-up treatment will be necessary. In the meantime, after each appointment, the hair should become thinner.

So, patients do receive an immediate benefit even if the ultimate outcome of having no hair may take time. Be patient and enjoy having thinner hair in the process.

Get started today

Contact us today to discover how laser hair removal can make life a little easier, eliminate embarrassing hair related moments and look better.

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